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Five Oral Hygiene Related Mistakes You May Be Making

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Even if you are aware of how important oral hygiene is, it's possible that you are doing it incorrectly and unknowingly making mistakes. Brushing and flossing are simply not enough, and there are several factors that can make your oral hygiene routine ineffective.

Brushing Too Vigorously

If you need to get the stain out of something, it usually makes sense to use more force when scrubbing. This is not true when it comes to your teeth. Brushing vigorously won't help remove a stain, and may do unintended damage in the process.

Vigorous brushing contributes to enamel wearing away, and can cause receding gums. That is why you need to only apply moderate pressure when brushing

Brushing Right After Eating

It may sound like a great idea to brush immediately after eating to reduce the amount of plaque buildup that occurs, but brushing so soon can harm your teeth. This is because any acids on your teeth from your meal can be brushed into the enamel, causing it to become weak.

Wait an hour or so to brush your teeth after eating a meal. It will give enough time for the saliva in your mouth to wash over your teeth, and clear away any acids that were left on them from your meal.

Ignoring Your Tongue 

You may regularly floss and brush, but ignoring your tongue can cause bacteria to build up inside your mouth. Bacteria can easily spread from your tongue to your gums and teeth, which will give you bad breath and put you at a higher risk of cavities and gum disease.

You can use a plastic tongue scraper to clean off any food particles left on your teeth at the end of the day.

Snapping Your Dental Floss

There is no reason to aggressively snap dental floss when cleaning between teeth. This action will irritate the gum line, and potentially cause bleeding. Always use gentle side-to-side motions to push the plaque out from between the teeth.

Not Replacing Your Toothbrush

There is a reason why the dentist recommends replacing your toothbrush every 6 months. Bristles that are worn out will not be very effective when brushing, Make it a habit to switch to a new toothbrush after every dental appointment so that you do not forget.

Now that you are aware of some common mistakes you may be making, you will be taking care of your oral health in the best way possible.
