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A Dental Bonding Procedure Guide

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Your smile says a lot about you, so proper upkeep through the help of a dentist is an absolute must. Even if you're seeing the dentist twice per year, brushing and flossing and staying away from excess sugar, you might be a candidate for certain procedures that will improve your smile even more. Dental bonding is a procedure that improves your smile aesthetically and functionally by doing such things as closing the gap between your teeth. To learn about the process, whether or not you are a candidate and more pertinent information, the guidelines below will explain more.

The process of dental bonding

The first step required for dental bonding is for your dentist to create a component resin that is the same color as a natural tooth. The dentist will need to create it in the proper shape to fit in between your two front incisors. This will usually only take one dental visit and requires the two-part process of taking a mold with putty to create the resin and then installing the dental bonding into your teeth.

Candidates for dental bonding

Before running out and getting this procedure, you should speak to your dentist to see if you would be a good candidate. You might be a candidate for dental bonding if you have a tooth or teeth that are cracked or chipped, if you have a gap between your teeth that you would like to close for cosmetic reasons, if your teeth are short or misshapen, or if any teeth have had their roots exposed. Regardless, a dentist will decide on your candidacy and will walk you through exactly what your best options are as far as creating and installing a dental bond.

The benefits of dental bonding

Perhaps one of the greatest benefits of dental bonding is that the dental procedure is very simple and straightforward. You will not have to worry about missing time from work or scheduling numerous appointments. Dental bonding is beneficial because the resin used will look exactly like your real teeth. This is a great cosmetic procedure for things such as closing any problematic gaps you might have had your entire life, and that comes with a lot of self-esteem benefits if your gap is not desirable to you.

The cost of dental bonding

When looking into dental bonding, you must also factor in the cost. The cost for a single tooth can range between $300 and $600. You might be able to get the majority of the procedure covered under your dental plan.

After considering these four pieces of information, contact your dentist for more.

For a dentist, contact a doctor such as Richard M Holmes DMD PA
