Whitening Your Teeth is So Much Safer at the Dentist

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5 Common Myths About Visiting The Dentist

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For years, the dentistry profession has been surrounded by negative connotations about painful procedures and uncomfortable encounters. But the truth is that dental technology and research have advanced light years in the past few decades.

Experiences that may have been true in the past have faded into myth. But there are still a few stubborn misconceptions that persist and keep people from visiting their dentist regularly and taking care of their oral health. These are five common dentistry myths.  

1. Wisdom Teeth Should Come Out When You're Young

A common and longstanding myth is that it's better to have your wisdom teeth removed as soon as possible. In fact, many people's wisdom teeth may not begin to emerge until well into their teens and even twenties. Additionally, not all wisdom teeth even require removal. That's why an examination by a trusted dentist is so important. He or she can determine if and when wisdom teeth should come out.  

2. Cavity Fillings Are Painful

This may have been true in the past, but sedation techniques have advanced so much in the past few decades that getting a cavity filled now involves very little pain at all. In fact, many clinics specialize in sedation dentistry. Sedation dentistry professionals have received special training in techniques to ensure that their patients receive optimal care with the least amount of pain.  

3. Brush Your Teeth As Much As Possible

Your teeth are surrounded by an enamel coating. It protects the sensitive interior of your tooth from regular wear and tear. While it's important to keep the enamel clean to avoid plaque buildup, it is possible to damage the enamel by brushing too much. The cleaning properties of your toothpaste and the friction can break down the protective barrier. Stick to brushing twice a day and rinsing your mouth with water after meals. If you need to freshen your breath, chew sugar-free gum.  

4. Whitening Is Bad For Teeth

While having your teeth professionally whitened at the dentist may cause some normal sensitivity, there is no evidence that the procedure causes any permanent damage. However, the temporary tooth sensitivity that some people experience when having their teeth whitened may be responsible for this persistent myth.  

5. Only Go to the Dentist When You Have A Toothache

Another common myth that persists is that you only need to go to the dentist when something is wrong, like a toothache. Like any other type of health care, preventative care is always better than reactive care. If you can prevent problems before they start, you'll have healthier teeth and less pain. You should visit the dentist every six months for regular oral cleanings, checkups, and x-rays.

Contact a company like Cross Creek Family Dental for more information and assistance.
