Whitening Your Teeth is So Much Safer at the Dentist

Are Dental Implants The Best Choice For You?

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If you are missing some of your teeth then you may be wondering which replacement option is best for you. While your dentist can provide you with information on the medical side of things, it will be up to you to determine whether or not they are right for you in other ways. This article will explain some of the considerations you should make when you are trying to come to a conclusion. Read More»

Getting Your Child To Take Better Care Of Their Teeth

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If you are having a bit of trouble getting your young child to take good care of their teeth, you can use a few different methods to convince them to start taking better care of their teeth. Once they start taking more initiative with their oral care, you will know they are starting good habits that will stay with them when they are adults. This article will provide you with some ideas that will help you convince your child to start taking better care of their teeth on their own. Read More»

Avoid These 5 Situations In Order To Keep Your Dental Crown In Great Shape

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If you have a dental crown, you need to be aware of the situations that can cause your crown to fall off. Although permanent crowns should stay in place forever, certain situations can cause your crown to pop off. In order to ensure that your crown doesn’t fall off, make sure that you don’t put your teeth in any of the following situations. Eating Sticky Foods If you have a dental crown, you need to avoid eating sticky foods, or at least avoid chewing sticky foods on the side of your mouth where your crown is located. Read More»

Scared You Need Bone Grafting Before Dental Implant? 2 Simple Grafts Explained

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If you suspect you may need a bone graft before you obtain a dental implant or your dentist mentioned that you need one, you may be feeling fearful of this process. The truth is that you have nothing to fear because dentists and implant specialists perform bone grafting all the time - it just sounds scarier than it really is. While there are other types and methods of bone grafting, here are two simple grafts that are often performed before dental implants. Read More»

4 Reasons Why You Could Be a Great Candidate for a Dental Implant

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If you have a missing tooth, a dental implant may be the best option to replace it. The implant functions and looks like a natural tooth. It is even held in place by your jawbone in the same manner as a natural tooth. The components of a dental implant include a crown, an abutment, and a screw, which is inserted into the bone of your jaw. Although an implant is the closest restorative application to having your natural tooth back, a dental implant is not right for everyone. Read More»