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When You Don't Want Body Modifications Anymore: Options For Fixing Filed Teeth

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Body modification takes many forms, from simple ear piercing and small tattoos to much more involved processes like the “cat people” you read about. Body modification is not something to be taken lightly because the effects aren’t always easy to get rid of. Even pierced earlobes will still show a slight scar if you let the hole close up. More serious body modification is even harder to fix. Implanted spikes, forked tongues, eye (scleral) tattoos, filed fangs, and other changes take a lot of work. Read More»

Do You Need A Root Canal? Here's How To Tell

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There are few dental procedures more dreaded than a root canal. However, this is also a very common procedure, and it’s often not as bad as people have been led to believe. In fact, root canals can offer great relief for dental pain and pressure. So, how do you know if and when you need a root canal? A dentist is the only person who can tell you that after a thorough examination of your mouth. Read More»

Childhood Issues That Could Ruin Your Child's Permanent Teeth

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If you have a small child, you are probably working hard to ensure that his or her future is promising. One way to help protect your youngster’s future good looks is to make sure that your little one’s teeth stay in great shape. Still, there are issues that can ruin a child’s permanent teeth before they ever erupt. Here are a few of them: Sucking From a Bottle Too Long Read More»

4 Reasons To Consider Adult Invisalign Braces

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Looking your best may be foremost on your mind. The advantages of working on your appearance include being more self-confident. Of course, one of the ideal places to start is with your teeth. Having a nice smile can boost your mood and encourage you to be more active. If your teeth aren’t as nice as you’d like, you may want to consider the many advantages of adult Invisalign braces. Knowing the things this dental procedure can do for your teeth may encourage you to use it. Read More»

Understanding A Few Different Types Of Dental Floss

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If you diligently make your six month dental appointments for you and your child, then you may hear some suggestions from your dentist when it comes to your oral care. This is likely to include tips on flossing the teeth. According to the American Dental Association, it is wise to floss between the teeth at least once a day. However, there are different types of floss that you can use. If you are concerned about the different varieties and which may be best for you and your child, then keep reading to learn a little bit about two different types of dental floss. Read More»

3 Options For Restoring A Worn-Down Tooth

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Teeth can withstand a lot of wear and tear, but sometimes teeth can begin to take on a more worn-down appearance from excessive use. This is particularly common if you bite your nails or enjoy hard, crunchy foods. Teeth can become chipped or gradually worn down by biting into hard objects, which can make them look uneven. If you want to restore the appearance of a worn out tooth, here are three ways you can go about it. Read More»

4 Ways To Keep Your Child Occupied While You Wait In The Dentist Office

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When you schedule an appointment for your child to have a routine exam or teeth cleaning, you can expect to spend a little time waiting in the dentist office after arrival. Some children become anxious about dental visits, and others simply get bored easily. It is a good idea to come to the office prepared with a few things that will keep your child occupied until his or her name is called. Read More»

Options to Replace Your Missing Tooth

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If you have suffered the loss of one of your teeth, your dentist may offer you multiple options to replace the missing tooth. Here are two of them:  Porcelain Fixed Dental Bridges Dental bridges have long been used to replace lost teeth. A conventional bridge is comprised of a bridge crown on each end of the device with a replacement tooth in the center. The bridge crowns fit over the teeth that border the empty space left by the lost tooth. Read More»

Less Noticeable Orthodontic Options

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Having braces does not have to completely alter your appearance. Although you might already be uncomfortable with the misalignment of your teeth, the thought of large metal brackets protruding from your mouth may make you even more uncomfortable. Nevertheless, there are orthodontic alignment options available that are not as noticeable on the teeth as traditional metal braces. Here are a few of these options: Plastic Trays That Align the Teeth Read More»

3 Potential Treatments For Dental Crowding In The Molars Or Premolars

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Dental crowding occurs when a tooth or teeth shift out of position and cross over other teeth that are in the correct position. The crowding can cause bite issues, chewing difficulties, and cosmetic concerns. When the crowding teeth are the molars and premolars, which combine to form the grinding forces for your chewing, the difficulties are mostly in the chewing and holding your mouth together comfortably. How can a dentist treat a crowding problem in the premolars and molars? Read More»