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Does Your College Kid Have Intrinsic Teeth Staining? 3 Tips To Help You Determine If They Are Good Candidates For Veneers

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Intrinsic stains are those that happen from within your child’s teeth. Your child may have discolored teeth due to medications that they took as a child, certain chemicals in their drinking water, or even a mouth injury that they suffered. While you may know that your child’s teeth stains are not their fault, you may worry about how other people view their smile. Now that your kid is an adult going to college, they have more options for improving their smile. Read More»

Make a Dental Resolution for the New Year

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As the year moves towards its conclusion, it’s natural to start thinking about your New Year’s resolutions. While many people choose to diet or exercise more often, there’s another way to do something healthy for your body that you might not have thought about. When was the last time you took a close look at your oral care routine and took steps to improve it? Here are some tips that might help you start the New Year off with a smile. Read More»

The Timing Of Your Tooth-Brushing Matters

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When the enamel on a tooth is lost, the interior layers of the tooth are more susceptible to decay and infection. Additionally, because the layer that lies just beneath the enamel, which is called the dentin, contains tubules that encase dental nerves, enamel loss can increase dental sensitivity to heat and cold. Many people believe that simply brushing their teeth is enough to preserve their tooth enamel. Although brushing, in general, is important, the timing of the brushing should also be considered. Read More»

Top 3 Reasons To Get Porcelain Veneers

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Few people are born with perfect smiles, but an experienced cosmetic dentist can give people the smile that they have always dreamed of. There are many different types of cosmetic dentistry procedures that can be used to correct a variety of smile issues. One of the most popular cosmetic dentistry procedures is porcelain veneers. Porcelain veneers are tooth-shaped shells that are placed over the surface of natural teeth in order to create a picture-perfect smile. Read More»

Should You Choose A Pediatric Or A Family Dentist?

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Are you currently looking for a new dentist for yourself and your family? If so, you may be wondering what type of dentist you should choose, especially if you have young children. While many general dentists restrict services to adults and possibly teens, family and pediatric dentists will both see young children. The only thing you need to do is decide which dentist is right for your family’s needs. The following guide can help you decide. Read More»

3 Reasons You May Need Braces If You Have An Underbite

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If your lower jaw sets out further than your upper jaw and it causes your lower teeth to slightly overlap your upper teeth when you smile, you have what is known as an underbite. Underbites are a little less common than an overbite, which happens when the top teeth protrude more than the teeth on the bottom. However, an underbite is something that you may be recommended to get braces to correct. Read More»

Freeze Frame! Cosmetic Dental Procedures That Stop Time From Marching Over Your Face

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Nobody likes getting older. In fact, most people would argue that if they could get wiser without getting wrinklier, they would do that instead. If you are having a hard time with time marching across your face, you do not have to live with it. There are many cosmetic procedures that change the way you look, but you can start small, with your teeth. Take a look Old Teeth to Young Teeth Read More»

5 Ways To Boost Your Family's Dental Health

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As a parent, you might feel frustrated when you brush your children’s teeth faithfully each day, but when you take them to the dentist for a routine check-up, they still have developing areas of decay. What could be going wrong? A lot of families struggle with ongoing dental health problems, and dealing with the cavities and fillings can be both stressful and financially costly.  If you’re wondering what else you can do to keep the cavities away, try these five ways of boosting your family’s dental health. Read More»

Myths About Having A Dental Implant Placed

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Dental implants are an extremely misunderstood type of dental procedure that individuals may need. This can lead to patients lacking the type of information that is needed for them to confidently decide to undergo the procedure of having a missing tooth replaced with a dental implant. Myth: Only Teeth That Have Been Recently Removed Can Be Replaced With A Dental Implant Patients that are missing one or more teeth may assume that they will only be able to get a dental implant if they undergo a replacement procedure soon after the tooth is removed. Read More»

Avoiding Cosmetic Issues With Your Teeth

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Preventing dental staining from occurring can be an important goal for anyone that is interested in keeping their smile looking its best. Unfortunately, people often make choices that can greatly increase the risk of their teeth becoming noticeably stained. Use A Water Flosser Staining will often start in the crevices between the teeth. Once discoloration occurs here, it can be extremely noticeable, and it may contribute to the discoloration spreading. Using a water flosser can allow you to more effectively remove the substances between the teeth so that they will not be able to cause discoloration. Read More»